The shame of our nation

Oh great, now we've tortured a badly wounded child soldier into confessing to an attack on American soldiers. Sullivan:
I don't know how anyone who cares about the integrity and moral standing of the United States can absorb the full details of this case and not be profoundly ashamed. To prosecute a child soldier, already nearly killed in battle, tortured and abused in custody, and to imprison him for this length of time and even now, convict him of charges for which there is next to no proof but his own coerced confessions ... well, words fail.
The thing that no one seems to be discussing is: how is attacking an American soldier on a battlefield while you are being bombed and shot at by Americans a crime? We didn't prosecute individual soldiers in World War II just for battling and killing Americans. We treated them as prisoners of war. Now Omar Khadr was not part of any regular army. But is what he did different? If Al Qaeda captured an American operative and treated that operative the way we treated Khadr, wouldn't we be outraged? Wouldn't we point to his torture and farcical legal treatment as an example of the barbarity of the enemy?


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