Troll bard

People try to cut me down (talkin' 'bout regeneration)
Just because I'm green and brown (talkin' 'bout regeneration)
I don't need no s-s-saving throw (talkin' 'bout regeneration)
Hack my limbs and they regrow (talkin' 'bout regeneration)

This is regeneration
This is regeneration, baby

Why don't you all r-run away (talkin' 'bout regeneration)
I'm really very hard to s-s-slay (talkin' 'bout regeneration)
Unless you've got di-s-s-sintegration (talkin' 'bout regeneration)
I'll come back by re-g-g-generation (talkin' 'bout regeneration)


Path said…
Nice article as well as whole site.Thanks.
Great, You write good content Thanks for the thoughts and ideas.
I read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work.Great Post….. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!
Thanks for sharing…
This is a useful information, I learn a lot of new things from this.Thanks for the thoughts and ideas.

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