Dude, this is just fucking sick

This is our government, inflicting Orwellian nightmare shit on our prisoners:
Even the physical design of the Guantánamo courtroom is shaped by the desire to conceal our own abuses. A soundproof glass wall separates the onlookers from the trial participants, so that the only way an observer can hear what is going on is through headphones with a forty-second delay. The reason, according to Denny LeBoeuf, an ACLU lawyer advising on the defense of several detainees, is “the Rule: detainees are forbidden from speaking about their torture.”
Remarkably, the US government has declared “classified” anything that the detainees say about their torture, and has required the lawyers, as a condition of access to their clients, to keep secret all details of their clients’ treatment at the hands of their interrogators. But of course, the US cannot compel the detainees themselves not to speak of the unspeakable. The only way it can keep them from telling their stories is by keeping them detained, behind bars, behind glass, silenced.
Obama's record in this area is every bit as bad as Bush's. Although I much prefer Obama on many issues, I do have to come to the conclusion that by covering up the crimes of the previous administration, Obama is himself likely a war criminal and should be sent to jail.


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