Jan 23 2013: Wow, after two years I finally fix the crash caused by the sound. New version 1.3 should show up in iTunes store any day now. UPDATE: It's available now! And I made it free!
Feb 2 2011: Five-star review:

Thanks, Scott! Glad it's working for you.
Jan 28 2011:
Version 1.2 live in App Store.
Jan 26 2011: Version 1.2 submitted with new interface, mute button.
Jan 25 2011: Coming for version 1.2:
New interface look, mute button.
Jan 6 2011:
Version 1.1 is available in the App Store! Thanks for the quick turnaround, Apple.
Jan 5 2011: Version 1.1 submitted to App Store.
UPDATE Jan 4 2011: The dual sliders are done and dice pools can now go from 0 (though you hardly need an app to roll zero dice!) through 99. I'm just going to do some testing for stability and then I'll submit the update.
UPDATE Dec 20 2010: Thanks to everyone who has purchased
SDR! I'm glad there's interest. I've implemented "rule of 10" functionality where 10's can now be set to generate one success plus another die roll (which SDR does immediately and includes in the total). I'm going to implement a "1s subtract" toggle button [done!] and a dual slider dice pool selector that will allow you to select dice pools from 1 to 99 easily. Then I'll submit the update to the App Store.
Here's a preview of the 1.1 UI and functionality. Notice the "10 again" functionality (the dice pool was set to 4, but 5 dice rolls can be seen at the top of the screen because a "10" was rolled). Notice also that the "1" subtracted a success, because the "1: SUBTRCT" toggle was on.
Storyteller Dice Roller is live! Here's the link to the iTunes App Store:
Storyteller Dice Roller (SDR) is an elegant, streamlined app designed specifically to enhance the experience of Storyteller system tabletop role-playing games such as "Vampire: The Requiem" and "Exalted." With a single touch, SDR will roll up to 99 virtual ten-sided dice, count successes (i.e. how many are higher than a target number), compare the number of successes to a difficulty number, and tell you by how much you succeeded or failed ("Threshold"). Tens can be counted twice, once, or once-and-roll-again ("10 again") and switching between the three modes is a snap. If no successes are rolled, and one or more 1's are rolled, a "botch" is reported. 1's can either subtract from successes or not, depending on your preference. Storyteller Dice Roller is everything you need to stop fumbling with your dice and start enjoying the game.
Compared to other "dice pool" rollers available in the App store, SDR has the following advantages:
•Allows for tens to be counted once, twice, or once-plus-another-die-roll.
•Allows for 1's to subtract from successes, or not.
•All controls are on a single screen for fast access during gameplay.
•NO ADVERTISEMENTS. (...and there was much rejoicing!)
•Elegant interface with a unified look.
•Results displayed in large font that can be read by others at the table.
•Difficulty setting, and report of how much your roll exceeded or fell short.
•Shows raw dice rolls (for the first 20 or so dice) at the top of the screen.
•Dice rolling sound effect tailored to number of dice rolled.
•Audio feedback when sliders are adjusted.
•Mute button to turn sound on/off.
I welcome feedback and comments and would be happy to add new features if there is sufficient demand.
Happy gaming!
NOTE: Storyteller Dice Roller is not an official Storyteller system product and is not affiliated with White Wolf Publishing
Feel free to ask questions/make suggestions in the comments to this post.
It crashes if sound is enabled though. That's a game breaker.
I will try to update this sometime in the next couple of weeks.