Libya military intervention clearinghouse

I'm trying to figure out what is going on with Libya and American intervention there. Here's what I've figured out so far:


bill in minneapolis said…
The U.N. resolution was an amazing milestone. Basically it said the the international community will not tolerate any country leader that threatens mass murders of civilians in order to stay in power.

This establishes a very basic principle of that the world will not longer tolerate this and will authorize intervention, if possible, to stop it.

It is a warning shot to all dictators that killing people to stay in power is no longer acceptable.
Zachary Drake said…
Mmmm...I'm skeptical. If humanitarian concerns were really motivating this, shouldn't we be intervening in Ivory Coast, Congo, Burma, and numerous other places? I'd like to live in a world where dictators could not slaughter their populations without fear of international reprisal, but I'm afraid our intervention in Libya might have some more realpolitik motives: keeping the Middle Eastern reform movement alive, securing oil production, etc.

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