A possible US-Al Qaeda alliance of convenience?

Apparently, Al Qaeda doesn't like Qaddafi either. They seem a bit Johnny-come-lately about it, though.

I think the recent popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, and elsewhere have really stolen Al Qaeda's thunder. These uprisings have led to throwing out the rulers of Egypt and Tunisia, seriously threatened the regime in Iran, started a civil war in Libya, and sparked protests throughout the region. What have the suicide bombers done recently?

I hope dissatisfied people of the world come to find that cultivating contacts with Al Jazeera TV and learning how to harness social networking is far more effective than bomb-making and suicide-glorifying.

Now that I think of it, our own foreign policy establishment might consider the limits of the use of violence.

On the other hand, it looks like violence will determine whether Qaddafi stays in power or not. This might be Al Qaeda's route back to relevance.


Anonymous said…
Agreed on all points.

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