My scores on the big 5

(This and other quizzes here.) Hmm, interesting. My scores in green, average in purple.

  • Openness to experience: not too surprised here, as this dimension is all about thinking of cool new things andbeing curious about different ways of looking at things. Not surprising that I almost maxed
  • Conscientiousness: not surprised that I'm higher than average here. I've always been a good student, concerned about getting things right, etc.
  • Extraversion: thought I'd score lower on this. I've always thought of myself as pretty introverted. Maybe all the Facebook chatter is making me more of a people person.
  • Agreeableness: I would have thought I was nicer than the average person, but I guess I'm not. Maybe there are times when I can't be bothered.
  • Neuroticism: Ouch. I used to think of myself as cool under pressure and emotionally stable, but recent life events have kind of upended that. I do worry, I'm anxious about things, and I've always been sensitive and cried easily as a child. Of course, my current circumstances are somewhat exceptional.
It was interesting answering some of these questions, because I had to decide whether to answer them from my recent depressed state of mind or my more recently "enhanced" state of mind (see here and here for details.) I chose the former. My neuroticism is now MUCH lower. And I'm largely thankful for it.


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