Women dominating higher education

Wow, I didn't realize the numbers were so dramatic:
Of the more than 3 million college degrees for the Class of 2009, women will earn close to 60% of those degrees (1,849,200), or almost 149 degrees for every 100 degrees earned by men.

And it's now official: Women dominate men at every level of higher education, in terms of degrees conferred.
This has dramatic implications for the distribution of power in our society. 30 years from now, things like legislatures and corporate board rooms and the upper echelons of academia are going to look very different than they do today. I fear backlash.


bill in minneapolis said…
The University of Minnesota Law School has experienced a reverse trend. Women used to make up about half of the students but recently that number, despite efforts by the law school, has slipped to about 45%. I do not know if this is true of other law schools.
Anonymous said…
When I was at Madison, the department was exactly 50-50, both the grad students and the professors. Here at Chicago I haven't done a full census, but anecdotally it does seem like there are a lot of women
ST said…
Well in social work departments, guys are still pretty rare. We've come a long way, but the averages shown in the chart obscure a lot of the continuing gender differences in higher ed.

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