The "culture war" is bullshit

Republicans often style themselves "culture warriors", defenders of morality and "family values" against immoral liberals who allegedly do nothing but commit adultery, divorce each other repeatedly, dress in drag, kill unborn children, support homosexuals, and try to take people's firearms away.

While I disagree with their sanctimonious blathering, I always assumed that however misguided, they were actually sincere in their beliefs. But Digby has pointed out something that makes him (and me) wonder whether most of them really believe any of that stuff. Apparently, Giuliani is leading all other Republican candidates:
Giuliani holds a 2 to 1 advantage over McCain among Republicans, according to the poll, more than tripling his margin of a month ago.

The principal reason was a shift among white evangelical Protestants, who now clearly favor Giuliani over McCain.
Now, Giuliani has done just about everything that these folks supposedly loathe (at least when liberals do it), including all the sins I listed in the opening sentence of this post. The same people who were livid when Bill Clinton got a blowjob from an intern are leaping into the arms of a cross-dressing, twice-divorced adulterer who lived with gay people. Remember: IOKIYAR (It's OK if you're a Republican). Digby concludes:
...if Rudy Giuliani becomes the GOP nominee it means the culture wars are as fake as William Shatner's hair. Once people realize that, perhaps we can stop talking about how so many people are allegedly against choice, gay rights and other progressive values in this country. Clearly, they don't care much about any of that, nor do they care about Lieberman's nonsense about setting a good example for the children. The Christian Right supporting Rudy Giuliani proves that the culture war is nothing but a GOP scam and we can stop obsessively worrying about offending these people with our godless, fancy-pants, big-city ways.

Good for Rudy Giuliani for(inadvertantly) pulling back the curtain on this hoax.


CW said…
I don't agree with the analysis. I think it is even more demented and 'evil' if you will. The Repiglicans are so power hungry and ambitious. They have always believed in the so-called fundamentalist Christian values while excusing lapses (see Ted Haggart, see the Catholic Church pedophiles).

If you know gay Republicans, you know what I am talking about. In their case, many people feel sorry for them thinking they are 'self-hating'. But that is completely wrong. They actually adore themselves, and love decadent gay sex. It is the 'other' they despise. The so-called fifth column liberal Elitist. Remember when Andrew Sullivan wrote so nastily about 'hairy-backed SF homos'?
CW said…
I wasn't able to finish. But in short, I am certain they will nominate Guiliani and he may win. Part of the reason is that the Dems aren't cold-blooded enough to attack. If the roles were reversed, the GOP would be out in force with huge transvestite posters, explicit homosexual lifestyle posters, dead baby photos, etc. They would rip Guiliani to shreds if he was Democrat. But all these pigs care about is winning. That is why they can demonize and even almost directly kill gay and lesbian people while at the exact same time hiring homosexuals like Mehlman and Drudge to be their mentors and leaders. These are totally twisted fucks. And they control the country and goddamn FoxNews too.
AutismNewsBeat said…
I think Digby is off on this one. The evangelical movement has matured since 2000, when it would have gladly followed a bible thumper over a cliff to make a point. The 30 milliion Americans who believe Jesus rode to church on a dinosaur are just as adamant in their beliefs today (watchJesus Camp), but now they're pragmatic as well. That makes them more dangerous.
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks elite.micro and Heraldblog. Yes, I guess I don't really think the culture war is baloney.

I haven't seen Jesus Camp. I probably should. But it's hard for me to look so closely at the Christianist movement. I don't want to think about my fellow Americans thinking like that. But I suppose I ought to look it in the eye if I'm going to be opposing it.
AutismNewsBeat said…
Ted Haggard, among others, has condemned Jesus Camp as a one-sided and inaccurate portayal of the Evangelical movement. But the woman who is at the center of the film is thrill with her portrayal. Go figure.

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