Alabama sex toy ban will stand

The Supreme Court won't hear the case:
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to hear a challenge to Alabama's ban on the sale of sex toys, ending a nine-year legal battle and sending a warning to store owners to clean off their shelves.
Now purveyors of sex toys will have to call them medical devices if they want to avoid rather stiff penalties:
Up to a year in jail and a $10,000 fine for a first offense. A second offense carries a prison sentence of one to 10 years.
This story does little to change my stereotyped thinking about The South. Aren't people just embarrassed by this kind of law? Fortunately, Alabamans can still buy this stuff from other states and online.

Sweet home Alabama
Ain't no dildo sellin' here
You buy as many guns as you want
It's those butt plugs that we fear

HT: RazzyBlog


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