How to get information from the Internet

Don't go onto some site and ask a question, like "What's the best sushi restaurant in such-and-such neighborhood?" That won't get you the best information. Instead, go up on some site and post "Restaurant X is the best sushi restaurant in such-and-such neighborhood, and anyone who disagrees with me is a damn fool." This will trigger a tremendous outpouring of "nerdfury" in which you are rebutted by an angry mob that will describe in great detail exactly how you are wrong and what the real best sushi restaurant in that neighborhood is and how stupid you are, etc. But you will get much better information than if you just innocently asked for the information you wanted. (Insight from this post. Kevin Drum responds: "Anybody who doesn't immediately recognize the truth of this is obviously spending too much time in the real world and not enough time online.")


Anonymous said…
The word "nerdfury" is brilliant, and its inventor is a public benefactor.
Zachary Drake said…
Thanks yossarian, I agree. Nerdfury is a unique combination of outrage at ignorance and an arrogant flaunting of one's own expertise and knowledge. It is a wonderful sight to behold.
timorise said…
if you think education is expensive let them try ignorance

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