FAIL blog!

I'd heard of this vaguely, I think. But I hadn't actually browsed FAIL blog. For those of you not down with the latest Internet slang, I should inform you that "fail" is now a noun:
Of all the mutilations of the English language that have surfaced on the Internet, the abuse of the word "fail" would surely count as one of the very worst. The word "fail" was originally a verb, so grammatically correct use would be "I am worried that I am going to fail the test." However, users of the World of Warcraft forums have begun using it as a noun, referring to something as being "full of fail." This usage is entirely grammatically incorrect.


Anonymous said…
This usage is entirely grammatically incorrect.

Oh my gosh, it IS?! If only those poor unwashed internet masses knew it was grammatically incorrect!

OK, to cut the sarcasm, if the expression were entirely in line with standard english then, by definition, it would not be slang.

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