Vitter might get primaried by a porn star

Here's Stormy Daniels being interviewed on CNN. Howie Klein thinks she's being recruited by Tony Perkins, head of the right-wing Family Research Council. Presumably, this move is designed to call attention to Vitter's patronage of prostitutes. (Which shouldn't be illegal. And why is Vitter still in office but Elliot Spitzer was forced to resign? Is it OK for Republicans to pay for sex, as long as it's not with a member of the same sex?). Anyway, bringing up Vitter's foibles would presumably make Vitter more vulnerable to another Republican primary challenger. It would be awesome if Vitter and his "serious" challenger split the vote and Daniels ended up being the Republican candidate. But I doubt she'll actually run. I bet she'll stay undecided and milk the publicity for all it's worth. That's what I'd do.

Yes, this story is prurient and sensationalistic and given that the world is on the edge of utter economic catastrophe (deep, painful recession is the optimistic outcome), I should be blogging about more important things. But come on, a porn star running for senate as a Republican against David Vitter? How could Internal Monologue not bite?

By the way, I'm still angry that Vitter had his wife standing next to him during his confession to the media. That's lame. She didn't do anything wrong. She shouldn't have to suffer humiliation.


Anonymous said…
I just couldnt understand the whole concept of it.

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