Palin daughter not marrying the guy after all

Remember when the right-wingers were righteously cooing over Bristol Palin's decision to marry the father of her baby? Well, it turns out it might not be happening:

Bristol Palin said she is getting help from many members of her family with raising the infant while continuing her studies. She told Van Susteren she has no immediate plans to marry Levi Johnson, who she described as a 'hands on

Emphasis added. Ta-Nehisi Coates has the proper reaction:

Where are those sanctimonious fucks, now? Where is the stigmatizing of Bristol Palin? Where is all their self-righteous howling? These people are not simply proud of being ignorant. They are proud of their arrogance. They are proud of their lack of self-awareness. They're proud of their fraudulence. This is real talk, for real families out there on the frontlines, doing the real hard work of child-rearing. These people want to balance your books, but they're steady bouncing checks the whole way.

UPDATE: Yeah, Frak just doesn't capture the insanity of all of this. Meanwhile commenter Buster offers a more useful frame:

I just wonder if it's not more helpful to frame it this way: Why don't these frauds extend the same decency to everyone that they are to Bristol Palin? Why are some people deserving of respect and others not? Who are those others?

The trouble is that I don't know that they've extended her any decency, as much as they know it isn't in their interest to stigmatize her. I don't think that have any more respect for her than anyone else. She's a prop to them.


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