Paris Hilton strikes back

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I'm late to this story, because when I first saw this video I assumed it was a Paris Hilton impersonator. It turns out it isn't. Paris Hilton is actually responding to the McCain attack ad which compared Obama to Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton. Apparently, Ms. Hilton has deigned to respond. It's pretty funny. I don't think much of her energy policy compromise: any US coastal drilling woudn't have enough effect or be implemented soon enough to be a viable "bridge" to a next generation energy future. And the climate change risks demand a more immediate switchover to greener energy sources. But Ms. Hilton's proposal is pretty mainstream for US politics right now. Obama's proposal allows for some offshore drilling, in return for lots of funding for alternative energy and ending some tax credits for oil companies.

I think Steve Benen gets it right (via Sullivan,whose link is wrong):
First, why is that Paris Hilton’s fake ad includes more substantive talk about energy policy than John McCain’s real ad? Second, if writers helped Hilton with her script, and writers helped McCain with his script, why is it that Hilton seems to have a better grasp on policy details than McCain does? Shouldn’t that be, you know, the other way around?

And third, why is it that a 27-year-old heiress/reality-show star can read a teleprompter better than the presumptive Republican presidential nominee?

So Ms. Spears, where's your snarky response to McCain's ad comparing Obama to you? I sense a unique opportunity for you to revive your career!


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