Images of George W. Bush

Stamp image from Tennessee Guerrilla Women

Limbo image from The Dark Stuff.

...because Bush is someone who can't be disrespected enough. How contemptuous does America have to become of this guy before the Democratic Congress really starts standing up to him?

I got these images via Quiddity at uggabugga.


Mariú said…
That is horrible, but can I ask something? What does this rate means? I am new at thins would you mind explaining to me?
Zachary Drake said…
Hello mariu. That is not a real stamp. There is no 0 cent stamp. It is just a picture someone made. They made it to make fun of President Bush. Presidents are often on stamps. But Bush is such a bad president he should only get a 0 cent stamp. I think Bush is a very bad president. That is why I put that picture on my blog.
Mariú said…
I am sorry Zach (if I can call you that?) i miss the entrance it was about the rate that I was asking. Why do they rate you like that? I like your blog very much and I hate Bush!!!
Zachary Drake said…
You may call me Zac (I spell it Z-A-C, which is different from the normal spelling.)

>i miss the entrance it was about the rate that I was asking. Why do they rate you like that?

Are you talking about the "THIS BLOG IS RATED "R"" thing on the next post? It's just a joke. It doesn't really mean anything. In that post, I show why they rate my blog "R". It's because sometimes I talk about sex. I also sometimes talk about American Vice President Dick Cheney. But when I say "dick", the algorithm that does the rating probably thinks I'm talking about penises. So they give my blog an "R" rating, like a movie. In the United States, all big movies are rated. "R" rated movies can't be seen by children unless their parents are with them. So if my blog was judged by the same criteria, it would get an R rating. But there is no rating agency of that kind for blogs.

I am glad you like my blog. I am glad you hate Bush.
Mariú said…
Thanks for the insides ZAC! LOL, I do like your blog as my mum used to say keep up the good work! See you around!

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