The Senate can be very weird

Quiddity on uggabugga gives us a brief graphical demonstration of how un-democratic (with a small 'd') the Senate can be:
Under a worse case scenario, Senators from the 21 least-populous states could block legislation. How many people are in those 21 states?Of course, the House, with its "majority can do anything it wants" rules, can be problematic in its own way.
If you look at the List of U.S. states by population, we find that out of a total of 300 million for the country, there are 37 million in the 21 least-populous states. That amounts to 12.4% of the population, or one in eight. [...]
Taking this further, it's possible that in each of the 21 least-populous states, the senator was elected with a vote of 50% +1. Effectively half the population of each state. So it could take as little as 18 milliion people to elect enough senators to stop action on a particular bill. That's one in 16 people. And that explains, in part, how anti-democratic (and pro-plutocratic) the Senate can be.