McCain and Bush providing disaster relief to Katrina victims

It's very reassuring, when contemplating the disastrous cyclone in Burma and the catastrophic earthquake in Sichuan province, China, that should such a horrible natural disaster ever strike the United States of America, our President Bush and his Republican allies would leap into action immediately to prevent our citizens from coming to harm. For example, here are McCain and Bush, four days after Katrina hit, bravely navigating the flooded chaos that New Orleans had become, saving people from drowning and coordinating disaster relief efforts...

...oh wait, they're not anywhere near the Gulf Coast. Instead they're posing for a photo op in Arizona for McCain's birthday (via on Not Brit on DailyKos).


grishnash said…
Yet another thing McCain has in common with the friends of his lobbyist buddies... Here's an excerpt from the official New Light of Myanmar showing a typical official government warning for Cyclone Nargis as it appeared on PAGE 15

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