"The Doors Are Closing...Please Stand Clear of The Doors"

Image of The Doors from Wikipedia

"The doors are closing; please stand clear of the doors."

This warning gets played on BART trains all the time. When ever I hear it, I picture The Doors "closing", i.e. getting closer, perhaps walking four abreast down the platform in a menacing fashion. People hurry to "stand clear of The Doors", scurrying out of the way. All manage to do so, except for one unfortunate old lady who is too slow and gets pushed onto the tracks by keyboardist Ray Manzarek (third from the left in the sunglasses) and dies horribly on the electric rails, the hideous crackling of her flesh accompanied by the opening strains of "Riders on the Storm".

Maybe you, too, will now think of this whenever you hear "The Doors are closing...please stand clear of The Doors."

I suppose this post is a sister of this one, in that it involves re-interpreting the ubiquitous safety messages our society constantly throws at us in a more amusing fashion.


Anonymous said…
By some odd coincidence I had just got off the el, and had the phrase "manténgase alejado de las puertas" stuck in my head.
Zachary Drake said…
Obviously, this is proof that we have a supernatural psychic connection and that all forms of supernaturalism doubted by evil Western scientists are actually true.
grishnash said…
On my way home today I was taking advantage of the announcements to plot which direction to go to make my escape... Imagine my horror at the announcement "Doors to my left and right!"

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