Phoenix Games moving online

My first gaming store, Phoenix Games on Lake Street in Minneapolis, is closing and moving entirely online. Apparently, the block is being redeveloped, and Neil isn't interested in paying the assessments. I had been shopping there since the early 80's, when it was called Little Tin Soldier, and Neil was just an employee. Maybe I'll see him at GenCon Indy next week.

Thanks to Pablo for tipping me off on this sad and momentous occurrence. I sort of feel the same way as when I heard that DUNGEON and DRAGON magazines were ceasing publication.

Phoenix Games' website will apparently be overhauled within the week, and I look forward to visiting the virtual version of one of my childhood haunts. But it is sad, sad, sad, to know that it will no longer be there on Lake Street.

Next week at GenCon, when I'm throwing my 20-sided dice, I'll wonder which of them were purchased there, years and years ago.


grishnash said…
Too bad. Phoenix Games/Little Tin Soldier was never my nearest game shop, but they were always the place to go for harder to get stuff. I'll always remember the creepy basement bathroom with the incredibly hilarious gamer graffiti.
Zachary Drake said…
Any examples of said graffiti that you could recall would be much appreciated.
Anonymous said…
There was something about halflings being flushed down the toilet and/or orcs climbing thereoutof.

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