Holy fuckin' shit- DRAGON and DUNGEON magazines to cease publication

(Image from

(Image from

In an example of how small things close to us affect us more than big things that are not close to us, I just read that the magazines Dungeon and Dragon will be ceasing publication in September:
Today, Wizards of the Coast and Paizo Publishing announced the conclusion of Paizo's license to publish Dragon and Dungeon magazines. The magazines will cease publication following the release of the September issues, which ship to subscribers and newsstands in August. The final issues will be Dragon #359 and Dungeon #150.
These magazines have been part of my life for decades. I am in shock. It makes sense I guess. That kind of content (D&D articles and adventures) will be moving to the web or to other publications. Paizo is launching Pathfinder which will sort of be like Dungeon but will be OGL and contain linked adventures only. But...but...but...it's just not the same. Wow. Dude. I feel ancient.

Here's the FAQ about the decision.

Here are some reflections from Wizards of the Coast people.

Even though my subscriptions have often lapsed (I'm not currently subscribed to Dungeon), these publications have been a part of the rhythm of my life since I was a child (Dungeon didn't start publishing until later). We're talking like second grade or something. I think this is the first time I've really felt technological change sweeping away something that I cherish. Wow.


Anonymous said…
This is terrible.
ST said…
I'm so sorry for you, my darling. Very sad indeed.
Anthony said…
Wow. I feel so...empty now.

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