Where torture has led us: losing the high ground to Iran

I agree with Sullivan that the Iranian capture of 15 British sailors reveals the devastation of our national credibility under the pro-torture regime of Bush:
Don't people realize that this is what this episode is partly about? Iran, that disgusting regime, is showing much of the world that it treats prisoners more humanely than the U.S. That's the propaganda coup they are achieving. And you know who set them up to score this huge victory in the propaganda war? Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld, who authorized all the abuse at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere throughout the war. And McCarthy, who defended and enabled them. Tehran never had a better friend than George W. Bush. he has given Islamist thugs the moral highground.
I think the next three presidents of the United States are going to have to spend much of their terms repairing this damage.


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