Now we're running insurgent training camps

(Photo: Prisoners being released from Camp Cropper, near the Baghdad airport.
LA Times, SABAH ARAR, AFP/Getty Images)

Oh great. Just in case you thought the news from Iraq couldn't get any worse, now it seems that US-run detention centers in Iraq are breeding grounds for Islamic militants:
BAGHDAD — U.S.-run detention camps in Iraq have become a breeding ground for extremists where Islamic militants recruit and train supporters, and use violence against perceived foes, say former inmates and Iraqi officials.

Extremists conducted regular indoctrination lectures, and in some cases destroyed televisions supplied by the Americans for use with educational videos, banned listening to music on radios, forbade smoking and stoked tensions between Sunni and Shiite detainees, they said.

Iraqis swept up in security operations and held indefinitely while the Americans try to determine whether they have any links to the insurgency are susceptible to the extremists' message, former detainees said.
(Via Meteor Blades on Kos)


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