Atheist of the Day: Asia Carrera

(photo from

CAUTION: Following the links in today's Atheist of the Day post may lead you to places that might trigger alerts from the various forms of nannyware that your {employer/ parent / spouse/ boyfriend/ girlfriend/ government} may be using to spy on you or control your Internet experience. And even if there's no nannyware, there's still your browser history. With that disclaimer out of the way, we move on to today's much-anticipated installment of this popular (with me, anyway) series...

Since the previous Atheist of the Day was an April Fools joke, it's time to get this series back on a serious track. And nothing says "serious" like a gratuitious photo of a recently retired porn star. So today's Atheist of the Day is MENSA geek Asia Carrera. From the defunct Celebrity Atheist List website:
Allow me to confirm that yes, I am a diehard atheist, and have been since I was about 5 and discovered to my annoyance that there was no santa claus, no easter bunny, and no tooth fairy. well, that was it for me - I resolved then and there that no one was going to sucker ME into believing in any more invisible characters with superpowers! as I grew older, the more I learned about the histories of organized religions, the more convinced I became that (a) people around the world are extremely gullible, and (b) i need to get off my ass and start a religion of my own!
You can confirm her atheism by going to the journal on her own website:
All of a sudden I find atheism to be a big relief - otherwise I think I would have started painting all my ceilings with lead so I could get a little privacy around here! Hehehe!!
She's even got a page of irreverent quotes on her web site:
Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day.
Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish

A little boy prayed for a bike. Then he realized God doesn't work that way so he stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.
P.S.: According to my friend at Almost Infamous, she's also an Unreal Tournament player. I took the trouble to verify this, and it seems to be true. You can even download Unreal Tournament "skins" she made of herself (so you can look like her in the game).

P.P.S.: For those of you who are concerned that Atheist of the Day is going to become an excuse to post pictures of porn stars, rest assured that there does not seem to be an abundant supply of porn stars with web-accesible verification of unbelief in God.


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