McCain ties anchor around neck, throws it overboard

After several posts on atheism, zombie worshipers, and D&D minis, it's time to get back to politics. And what more entertaining way to do that can there be than to watch McCain's campaign self-destruct? I guess McCain's idea for reviving his faltering campaign is to lash himself more tightly to the millstone of the hugely unpopular occupation of Iraq:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) will launch a high-profile effort next week to convince Americans that the Iraq war is winnable, embracing the unpopular conflict with renewed vigor as he attempts to reignite his stalling bid for the presidency.
Greg Ssrgent at TPM Cafe is skeptical that this will work:
McCain and his advisers keep talking about the magic of the prewar halcyon days of 2000 as if it's something that can be conjured up with the murmuring of a few incantations. They keep talking about the unpopularity of the Iraq War as if it can be made to disappear with a few photo-ops and speeches telling people that what they are seeing in Iraq isn't real -- hence the effort to stroll through Baghdad while pretending the massive military escort and the pervasive danger weren't there, and hence the frustration with the media for reporting on it.


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