Your Drug War at Work

If cops kick in enough doors, crap like this is bound to happen:
ATLANTA — Two police officers pleaded guilty Thursday to manslaughter in the shooting death of a 92-year-old woman during a botched drug raid last fall. A third officer still faces charges.
The charges followed a Nov. 21 "no-knock" drug raid on the home of Kathryn Johnston, 92. An informant had described buying drugs from a dealer there, police said. When the officers burst in without warning, Johnston fired at them, and they fired back, killing her.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Yonette Sam-Buchanan said Thursday that although the officers found no drugs in Johnston's home, Smith planted three bags of marijuana in the home as part of a cover story.
(via C&L) Major kudos from Internal Monologue to any politician, Republican, Democrat, or other, brave enough to suggest a new approach to this. The War on Drugs: just as stupid as our occupation of Iraq, but it's been going on longer and probably will be going on long after the troops finally come home.


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