Live by racism, die by racism

Digby has another post on how the Republican party is dooming itself:
The sheer numbers of non-whites are changing things, and that has the rightwingers working themselves into a full blown panic. The Bushies were right on this one. They needed to cool the racist ardor of their base, but they couldn't get it done. And now you see neocons like Frum trying to join the wingnut populist bandwagon with thinly veiled racist appeals to solidarity with the Pat Buchanan wing. (His conflation of "illegal immigrants" who allegedly have no stake in the country with the large numbers of young Hispanic Americans who were born here gives the game away.) But the numbers are just not on their side.

I suspect that this impending panic attack may even be at the root of Karl Rove's rather desperate US Attorney "voter fraud" gambit. They needed to cool the racist base, pass some kind of worker program as a sop to business AND suppress the vote in the west and southwest in order to keep winning 51% elections. Even a real genius would have had a hard time pulling that off. The whole thing fell apart --- and now we are on to them.

So, go ahead, Mr Canadian immigrant. Keep telling young Hispanic Americans that their parents shouldn't have been allowed to come into the country. Keep talking about blacks like they aren't real Americans. This isn't 1860 anymore. It isn't 1960 anymore. This is the new brown America and there's not a damned thing you can do about it. You can bash "illegals" and "welfare queens" and run your patented "law and order" campaigns all you want, but you have lost the war. There are way more of them (along with us white liberals from all over the country who also loathe and despise your racist fearmongering)than there are of you now.

So have at it. Every time you make one of these racist appeals to your dittohead base, another young Democratic voter gets her wings.
Of course, defeating Republicans is only part of the solution. The other part is reforming the Democrats, as my earlier post points out.


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