Hillary Clinton at YearlyKos

Clinton and Obama at Yearly Kos. Image from SantaFeNewMexican.com.

A friend of a friend of mine, Paul Hogarth, was at the Hillary Clinton breakout session at YearlyKos and did a lengthy post about it on DailyKos. He titled it: "Yearly Kos Has Endangered Hillary's Nomination". An excerpt:

With 1,500 delegates at Yearly Kos, I only met two Hillary Clinton supporters. She is the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, and is hoping to get it by inevitability. But this doesn’t mean the blogosphere is “out of touch,” although blogger demographics clearly work against her. Hillary’s lead in the polls comes from a higher name recognition, and a strategic muddling of her position on Iraq so that progressives don’t hate her.

Hillary was the biggest loser in the Convention’s Debate, as she defended taking money from Washington lobbyists and argued that we are now “safer” than on 9/11. While Iraq never came up in her break-out session, that’s because only five people – including myself – got to ask her a question. Hillary’s response to my question about the Clinton years was the session’s “only moment of tension,” and confirmed she is a ruthless triangulator who will take progressives for granted. If Democrats realize this, she will lose the nomination.


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