Occupation critics are NOT impressed with the surge

There's a ridiculous meme being spammed by the right-wing noise machine:
The new Franken-meme goes like this: War critics in general -- not just the Dynamic Duo from Brookings -- are now "conceding" that real, honest-to-God military progress is being made in Iraq.
This is of course bullshit, as the TPM article I link to above illustrates.

How did this start? The New York Times foolishly allowed a couple of war cheerleaders to bill themselves as "war critics" when writing a pro-surge editorial. Then all the right-wingers and media establishment folks leaped on it and flogged it as some sort of major wave of Iraq optimism sweeping over us folks who think the whole thing is a colossal clusterfuck.

Greenwald discussed this in detail a while ago.

I'm posting this because I know many of my readers don't follow the blogosphere, and so might be deceived by all the coordinated bullshit spray hitting our media. There is no wave of optimism among occupation critics and opponents.


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