Not only is it fun, it might be good for you, too

At least if you're a guy. BBC News via Sullivan:
Men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation, researchers suggest.

They say cancer-causing chemicals could build up in the prostate if men do not ejaculate regularly.

And they say sexual intercourse may not have the same protective effect because of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, which could increase men's cancer risk.


The protective effect was greatest while the men were in their 20s.

Men who ejaculated more than five times a week were a third less likely to develop prostate cancer later in life.

Of course, who knows if it's a causal relationship. Maybe men who don't masturbate are depressed, and thus have less ability to fight off the cancer. There are all kinds of possibilities. Still, I bet a lot of guys will be happy that what they're doing might have long-term benefits in addition to the obvious short-term ones.


Anonymous said…
And they say sexual intercourse may not have the same protective effect because of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, which could increase men's cancer risk

Of course a monogamous relationship should pretty much negate that problem. Women take note ;)

Of course, who knows if it's a causal relationship. Maybe men who don't masturbate are depressed, and thus have less ability to fight off the cancer.

Um, at least the way you're formulating it here, that is a causal relationship.
Zachary Drake said…
Um, at least the way you're formulating it here, that is a causal relationship.

OK, yes. I should have said "Who knows which way the causal arrows are going? Maybe non-masturbation in men is a symptom of depression, which may be the root cause of the increased incidence of prostate cancer."
Anonymous said…
I wonder if the incidence of prostate cancer is higher in groups like Catholics and priests that claim masturbation is a sin.

Thanks for helping to discredit the taboo that has existed against masturbation.

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