Touchy touchy touchy

When I hear stories like the one in this article about the Turkish government banning YouTube because of a few anti-Attaturk videos, my contempt for humanity meter goes through the roof, and I'm tempted to say all sorts of disrespectful things just to watch people's heads explode.

There is no right not to be offended. There are things on the Internet that will piss off you, your government, your religion, your sports team, your ethnicity. There's plenty out there that pisses me off. But I don't go clamoring for my goverment to block this or that site to protect my oh-so-delicate sensibilities. What's legal and acceptable in one place is illegal and unacceptable in another. The best solution is to not care, or to put up your own content showing how stupid/immoral/offensive the other content is.

The world is getting smaller all the time, and we're all going to have to get better about caring less about what other people are doing and saying, or there's going to be trouble. Or rather, we're going to have to get wiser about what we do care about what other people are doing and saying.


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