Bush is a war criminal

Even a die-hard anti-Bush person like me has trouble really letting it sink in that Bush is a war criminal. But the SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE INQUIRY INTO THE TREATMENT OF DETAINEES IN U.S. CUSTODY makes pretty clear that "Senior Officials" authorized torture. Sullivan and Greenwald are reacting appropriately. But few others seem to care. I can understand: we don't want to think that we allowed this to happen. The impulse is to turn away. But we can't.

We (I guess I mean the Obama administration) should appoint a special prosecutor to determine if crimes have been committed. Or maybe the incoming attorney general could do so. If what I'm reading in that Sentate report (and what other people are saying about it) is true, crimes have been committed at the highest levels.

The partisan right will scream "witch hunt" of course. But it seems as though the facts point pretty strongly to guilt.


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