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Best Tom Friedman parody evah

"The Datsun and the Shoe Tree":

I was changing planes at the new airport in Jakarta the other day, on the way to Stockholm from Vladivostok. Three young Bangladeshi boys sat in the passenger lounge, watching The Power Rangers on satellite TV. Their mother--garbed in the traditional sari--talked to her cousin, a migrant worker who sold German-designed Walkman knockoffs in Hong Kong, on a shiny new Samsung cell phone. Sitting to one side of them was a young Chinese émigré on his way to Toronto to work for a software company, and on the other a business-suited Rastafarian making a connection to Bratislava. Meanwhile, a couple of Tuareg tribesmen sat cross-legged in front of the ticket counter, cooking yams over a flaming mound of ticket stubs.

What's my point? I don't actually have one--but opening my columns with strings of clichéd cultural juxtapositions really cuts down my workload.
via liberal on Balloon Juice. I've actually enjoyed reading Friedman, but after he told us we need "another six months" in Iraq one too many times, I've become rather annoyed.


Volly said…
Good one! Friedman is an example of someone who has become such a "brand name" he no longer knows how to update himself. The parody is spot-on.

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