Petition to appoint a special prosecutor for war crimes

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I signed it. I'm not sure how much good it will do. Every fiber of Washington D.C. culture will be against it. But that culture needs to change.

If we just let this stuff stand, the Republicans will do it again once they are in power. Or Obama may decide that he is free to commit the same sort of crimes, since Bush got away with it.

There must be pressure against this. Too many people are willing to turn away when the victims of torture are from another place, speak a different language, or have a different religion. And people are afraid. And people think it shows "toughness" to throw aside our moral principles and our knowledge of what actually works when faced with a threat. It does not.

Sometimes I despair at human nature. It's so hard to give a damn about other people with whom we don't identify. I guess that's why we have laws, and that's why we need to uphold them.


Anonymous said…
I agree. I signed the petition.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

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