The absurdity of Iowa and New Hampshire

The power the residents of these states wield in selecting presidents is utterly ridiculous and completely unfair. What's more insulting is that they don't even take this responsibility seriously:
Not only that, despite all the attention, Iowans know barely more about the candidates than citizens of other states, and don't discuss politics any more than anyone else (unless something has changed since this research was conducted in 2000). Yet around 200,000 of them, possessed of no greater wisdom or insight than the rest of us, will determine who presides over this nation of 300 million for the next four years. The problem isn't that Iowans aren't like the rest of the country (95 percent white, for one). The problem is that despite the extraordinary privilege of having the next president grovel before them, they're just as indifferent and apathetic as any other group of Americans.
(HT: Atrios)


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