Soldier responds to Rush's "phony soldiers" comment

This is a pretty good response to Rush Limbaugh's "phony soldiers" comment. (HT: Mad Latinist via email) He concludes with a picture of Brian Chevalier, who was killed on March 14:
This is Chevy in Baghdad. Brian Chevalier was going to reenlist but decided against it before he was killed on March 14 during our first mission in Baqubah. His phony life was celebrated in a phony memorial where everyone who knew him cried phony tears. A phony American flag draped over his phony coffin when his body came home. It was presented to his phony mother and phony daughter.

I would be in awe if I ever met a real life soldier, and not a phony one like Bill, Matt or Brian Chevalier. Thank you, Rush Limbaugh, for telling me the difference. I hope your ass is ok.


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