Bush vetoes expansion of health care for kids

With as little fanfare as possible, Bush vetoed an enormously popular expansion of the SCHIP program that helps kids get health insurance. This is pretty disgusting. The fact that there are children in this very wealthy country who don't have health coverage is a travesty. Hundreds of billions for an immoral, fruitless occupation, but none for taking care of our own kids.

If I were a Republican party trying to commit political suicide, this is the sort of thing I would do.

There's enough votes in the Senate to override the veto. Apparently we need 19 more in the House to override. Some Democrats who voted against the expansion because it didn't go far enough would be expected to switch their vote to help override a veto. So only a few more Republicans need to switch to override Bush.

I bet a lot of Republicans are pissed at Bush for making them the "no health care for kids" party.


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