How do you face Mecca when you're in space?

Malaysia has published a guidebook for Muslim space workers aboard the International Space Station:
The book, entitled Guidelines for Performing Islamic Rites at the International Space Station, teaches the Muslim astronaut how to perform ablutions, determine the location of Mecca when praying, prayer times, and how to fast in space, the Star newspaper reported on Saturday.
(HT: Progressive Gold) If you want to know why I use the term "space worker" instead of "astronaut", "cosmonaut", or, in the case of Malaysia, "angkasawan", see this post.

But the story doesn't give any details. I want to know the specifics! (I've wanted to know for over a year; see this post.)


Zachary Drake said…
Thanks for the link. Here's the answer from that link:

While in the space (i.e. outside the atmosphere of the earth, as is the case with astronauts) a person can perform prayers according to the available means. He should strive hard to perform prayer while directing his face to the Qiblah, if he can do so.

However, if he finds it difficult to perform prayer while facing the Qiblah, he is permitted not to face it as long as he is driven by necessity.

That seems like a very practical attitude.

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