Italy tries high heels for female cops

OK, that just sounds colossally dumb on the face of it. Are the Italian police controlled by some cabal of sexy female cop costume fetishists? To make it worse, the high heels the female police were supposed to wear didn't even fit well. (HT: Feministing)

Here's a theory: maybe it was getting too easy to catch criminals, now that many of them are wearing those ridiculously baggy pants. So the Italian police thought they had to give their cops a corresponding disadvantage to maintain a proper balance of power and prevent overcrowding of jails. The male police could slow themselves down by wearing baggy pants, too, but the female police felt that baggy pants would be too revealing or unflattering, and opted to hobble themselves with high heels instead.

But has the ridiculously baggy, low-slung pants thing infected Italy as well? I would hope Italian criminals would have the fashion sense to avoid such hideousness.


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