Why McCain would be a very bad president

It's not too early to start thinking about why McCain would be an awful president: He is even more wrong about Iraq than the Bush administration, if that's possible. He thinks that because our troop escalation has coincided with a reduction in violence (down to levels that were considered catastrophic a few years ago, but now seem better by comparison), that somehow means that our presence is solving long term issues like power sharing between Shia and Sunni. OK, McCain is really smoking crack about Iraq. So much so that it deserves another bullet point. Remember that time McCain walked through the Baghdad marketplace, guarded by massive amounts of firepower and wearing a bulletproof vest, and then commented how one could "walk freely" in some parts of Baghdad ? That is the level of reality denial he has about the situation. It's really scary. McCain took a good Beach Boys song and turned it into a joke about bombing Iran. The moral callousness of that aside, what...