I would support Clinton, too

I have endorsed Obama, but I want to make it clear that I would enthusiastically support Clinton in the general election against the Republican, probably John "I think we're winning in Iraq and if you disagree you're a traitor" McCain. I think Krugman's column today over-stated the rivalry between the supporters of the two leading Democratic candidates (UPDATE: The Carpetbagger Report agrees). From the polls I've seen, the vast majority of Clinton and Obama supporters would be satisfied with the other candidate. Of course they're going to fight for the one they prefer. But that's not the same as hating the other one.

This is not what's going on with the Republican nomination. Many Republicans and right-wing movement figures can't stand McCain, and aren't shy about saying so.


Anonymous said…
I know wordplays on "vegan" and "Vegan" are played out, but this entry is just begging for one.

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