Huckabee wins Kansas caucuses

Despite the fact that McCain is almost certain to win the GOP nomination, there are large segments of the GOP base that can't stand him. For example, Kansas just went for Huckabee 60%-24%. While I'm happy the GOP is failing to rally around McCain (he was booed at the Conservative Political Action Conference, but Blogometer indicates some conservatives are coming around), it's frightening how popular Huckabee is. Here's a "top 10 moments in Huckabee's extremism" from Perspectives:
  1. Huckabee Calls for the Quarantine of AIDS Victims

  2. Huckabee Enables the Politically-Motivated Parole of Repeat Rapist/Murderer

  3. Huckabee Offers Faith-Based Pardons

  4. Huckabee Undermines the Teaching of Evolution

  5. Huckabee Speaks for God

  6. Huckabee Speaks to God

  7. Huckabee Claims God Behind His Rise in the Polls

  8. Huckabee Proclaims His Theology Degree a Unique Qualification to Fight Terrorism

  9. Huckabee Flip-Flops, Calls for Federal Abortion Ban

  10. Huckabee Calls for Consumption Tax, Abolition of the IRS


Anonymous said…
Gov. Huckabee's advocacy of the FairTax is the single most important policy position in this election. Research findings explain why:

The FairTax rate of 23 percent on a total taxable consumption base of $11.244 trillion will generate $2.586 trillion dollars – $358 billion more than the taxes it replaces [BHKPT].

The FairTax has the broadest base and the lowest rate of any single-rate tax reform plan [THBP].

Real wages are 10.3 percent, 9.5 percent, and 9.2 percent higher in years 1, 10, and 25, respectively than would otherwise be the case [THBNP].

The economy as measured by GDP is 2.4 percent higher in the first year and 11.3 percent higher by the 10th year than it would otherwise be [ALM].

Consumption benefits [ALM]:

• Disposable personal income is higher than if the current tax system remains in place: 1.7 percent in year 1, 8.7 percent in year 5, and 11.8 percent in year 10.

• Consumption increases by 2.4 percent more in the first year, which grows to 11.7 percent more by the tenth year than it would be if the current system were to remain in place.

• The increase in consumption is fueled by the 1.7 percent increase in disposable (after-tax) personal income that accompanies the rise in incomes from capital and labor once the FairTax is enacted.

• By the 10th year, consumption increases by 11.7 percent over what it would be if the current tax system remained in place, and disposable income is up by 11.8 percent.

Over time, the FairTax benefits all income groups. Of 42 household types (classified by income, marital status, age), all have lower average remaining lifetime tax rates under the FairTax than they would experience under the current tax system [KR].

Implementing the FairTax at a 23 percent rate gives the poorest members of the generation born in 1990 a 13.5 percent improvement in economic well-being; their middle class and rich contemporaries experience a 5 percent and 2 percent improvement, respectively [JK].

Based on standard measures of tax burden, the FairTax is more progressive than the individual income tax, payroll tax, and the corporate income tax [THBPN].

Charitable giving increases by $2.1 billion (about 1 percent) in the first year over what it would be if the current system remained in place, by 2.4 percent in year 10, and by 5 percent in year 20 [THPDB].

On average, states could cut their sales tax rates by more than half, or 3.2 percentage points from 5.4 to 2.2 percent, if they conformed their state sales tax bases to the FairTax base [TBJ].

The FairTax provides the equivalent of a supercharged mortgage interest deduction, reducing the true cost of buying a home by 19 percent [WM].

ALERT: Kotlikoff refutes Bruce Bartlett's shabby critiques of the FairTax.

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