Vegan Strip Club

Yes, apparently Portland, Oregon boasts a vegan strip club (HT: Feministing). Of course, a lot of strip clubs don't serve any food at all (or so I've heard...), so I guess they could be considered vegan, too. And I hope this club's veganism extends to the costumes the performers wear. I'd hate to encounter a leather collar or a feather boa in a purportedly vegan strip club.

While a vegan strip club is quite a remarkable thing, it was this last little bit of info that caught my attention:
In addition to laying claim to the world's first vegan strip club, Diablo also said his club offers another first in Portland -- the first non-smoking strip club in the city.
Having lived in California for some time, I forget there are places in this country where smoking is still allowed in indoor public places. Yuck.

Maybe I can get Grishnash to do an investigative report on this place ("Casa Diablo") and file a report here on Internal Monologue.


grishnash said…
No, I have not been to this establishment in its current incarnation. Interestingly, it was formerly a vegan pirate restaurant, but the food was universally agreed to suck, and the owner/manager, Mr. Johnny Diablo to be rather clueless at customer service.

If he's hyping the non-smoking angle, this will probably have a limited lifespan. All bars/strip clubs/bowling alleys/casinos go smoke-free in Oregon on Jan 1, 2009. After that, he has to rely on the vegans.

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