American kids write to American soldiers in Iraq

From Kaboom: A Soldier's War Journal, via Sullivan:
Here’s a list of my early favorites, all advice suggested by real American children in real American letters with real American crayons. This is what the Red, White, and Blue is all about, you dig? If we fight this Long War to protect the nurturing of such beautiful understatement, I’m all for it. It’s as good a reason as any, and not contrived like the normal political justifications.

-- I hope you don’t die, soldier. That would be bad.

-- I feel sorry for you.

-- I think war is worse than math.

-- My daddy doesn’t want me to be in the soldiers, cause he says that the Irack will last forever. Maybe if he changes his mind I’ll see you in the Irack.

-- My cousin was in war but he got hurt. Now he has a big beard and drinks beer all day long. My mom says he should get a job.

-- Can you send me back a bad guy’s head? That would be cool.

-- I think it’s fun you went to the same school as I do, even if I wasn’t born yet. How old are you, anyways?
(Note: A group of third-graders from my elementary school sent me a collection of letters. This selection is the only sampling from them, specifically.)

-- I’m going to study real hard, so I don’t have to go to Iraq. Do you wish you had done better at school? (Note to John Kerry and other assorted communists, from CPT Whiteback: "Most of our soldiers have matriculated at a higher level than your average John Q. Public. So F off with the 'You joined the Army ... oh ... what happened, you couldn't get a job?' stuff. AND STOP TELLING YOUR KIDS WE'RE DUMB! Whiteback out.")

-- I hate cursive. Do you have to write in cursive for war?

-- Is it like the movies? Do our letters make you feel better?

To answer the last selection’s questions: No. And yes. Keep ‘em coming, Millennials, and edify me about the bizarre Japanimation that has inexplicably returned to Saturday morning cartoons.


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