4th Edition D&D character sheets

The link is a bit hard to find because the list is overlapped by the menu buttons, but if you go here and click on character sheets you can download a bunch of 1st level 4th edition characters.

It seems like a 1st level 4th edition character has a lot more cool powers than a 1st level 3.5 character.


There are a lot more 'cool' things to do that have replaced the old ways instead of improving. In 4th ed you can use a 'basic meelee or ranged attack' but you never should. Your special at will abilities hit just as easily and always do more.
Anonymous said…
Chateau you need to read the whole manual. You get action points that you can use anytime as an extra move or ability (such as basic ranged attack). Now, if you're a wizard, your basic ranged attack is Magic Missles. So you can get 2 Magic Missles attacks in a single round.

This is just one example.
Anonymous said…
Also, if you look at the warlord abilities, basic attacks become even more useful. Take a 1st-level inspiring warlord, and not only do they have the ability to make other people to a basic attack, their abilities are not focused on damage, so a basic attack actually is the best option most times in combat, unless special circumstances call for an encounter or daily power.

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