Democrats win special election in Illinois

Yesterday there was a special election in Illinois to replace former Republican Speaker of the House Denis Hastert. The Democrat, Bill Foster, won:
Then came the special election to replace former Republican Speaker Denny Hastert, a race that the party should have been able to hold given the GOP-lean of the district (R+5, according to the Cook PVI). The NRCC blew close to a third of its net cash-on-hand on the race, only to see their candidate fall in flames by 5 points during yesterday's election.
It's good to remember that for all the fighting between the Obama and Clinton camps, the Democrats are overall in a much better position for the November election than the Republicans. This was not a race the Democrats were supposed to win. Kevin Drum opines that this is a very bad omen for the Republicans:
Jeez. A conservative district. A former Speaker of the House. $1.2 million. And they still lost. John McCain should be very, very nervous about this.
Foster will face his Republican opponent, Oberweis, again in the November election.


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