Did Clinton make Obama more "black" in an ad?

UPDATE: Kevin Drum argues that this is just the result of YouTube artifacts.

This is a pretty incendiary accusation, but the evidence is pretty compelling:

Image compiled by cartwrightdale on DailyKos.

I don't want to believe the Clinton campaign would try to use anti-black prejudice to help her win the nomination. But this isn't the first time they've used these kinds of insinuations.

Kos posts a remark from a reader:

I just wanted to leave a remark about this "blacker" issue, and comments that it is somehow something that just happened in the video editing process. I work in advertising (copywriter, [Big national advertising firm]). I sit in the rooms where the post production occurs, and this includes color correction. While things look different on many TVs, they don't look this dramatically different. Nothing that you see in a final advertisement is accidental. These things are looked at (or should be looked at if they are doing their jobs) second by second. Even more unforgiving is the stretching of the footage. It is possibly the result of laziness on the part of the editor, but it would have been easier to actually not stretch it, and just crop it.

Nothing in advertising is accidental. It is over-thought and then subjected to second thoughts and second guessing then over-thought and re-looked at again. I've been doing this ten years. It is my professional opinion that the film was made darker, and it has obviously been stretched. I will not comment on their reasons, as I can't offer an informed case for that.


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