Term of the Day: LOLCAT

My wife didn't know what a Lolcat (often spelled LOLCAT, LOLCat, or LOLcat) was, so I figured there might be other readers who didn't know about this phenomenon. The best way to explain Lolcats is by example:

from daitengu.com

Wikipedia, is of course the place to get the proper definition of Lolcat:
A Lolcat is an image combining a photograph of an animal, most frequently a cat, with a humorous and idiosyncratic caption in (often) broken English referred to as Kitty Pidgin[1], or lolspeak. The idea originated on 4chan imageboards as Caturday.[2][3] The name "lolcat" is a compound word of "lol" and "cat".
And if I have to explain to you that "lol" means "laughing out loud", them I'm surprised you had enough savvy to find this blog post.


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