Kos counts the ways Clinton is losing

Clinton is losing this race, and I don't see any realistic scenario for Clinton to win. In order for that to happen, there would have to be massive superdelegate defection to Clinton. Or some scenario involving Florida and Michigan that was lopsidedly in favor of Clinton. And I don't see that happening either.

Internal Monologue is officially asking Senator Clinton to bow out of the race. There's a lot of money and energy that could be spent on the general election or on other Democratic races that is currently being poured into this campaign, whose result is already a foregone conclusion. She's too far behind to catch up at this point.

This is a separate issue, but the race-baiting and dismissiveness that the Clinton campaign has engaged in recently is pretty outrageous. Geraldine Ferraro's recent remarks to the effect that Obama is only where he is because he's black are particularly insulting and ridiculous. Does she honestly think that being black is an advantage in American national politics? What is she smoking? And can't she admit that, just possibly, Obama's rhetorical skills, positive message, unprecedented fundraising ability, good looks, superiority in general election matchups against McCain, and his vote against the Iraq invasion might have something to do with the fact that he's ahead?


StephenG said…
I have given Hillary Clinton the maximum I am allowed ($2,300)AFTER her string of 12 losses to Obama and before she won TX, OH, and RI.

I believe more than ever that she has a 50%-50% shot at walking away as the party's nominee.

Regardless of how the super-delegates turn, the uncommitted are likely to stay that way until the convention, and 6 months is a lifetime in presidential politics.

And I believe that the Obama infatuation has peaked and is fading (if not, why cannot he close the deal?).

In addition, Obama is now acting and behaving just like any other politician (so much for his promise of the new politics).

Time will tell if I am correct, but remember you heard it from me first.

[I did call TX, OH, and RI correctly, and I also correctly predicted the OJ verdict--what can I say, I am a contrarian.)

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