Happy 2nd Anniversary to us!

Not my blog anniversary, that's a while off yet. But my 2nd wedding anniversary is today! Here's a recent photo of us in the park near our house.

I'll spare my other readers the puke-inducing mushy sentiments that I wish to express on this happy occasion, and confine them to a medium where only their intended recipient will need to be confronted with them.


AutismNewsBeat said…
And they said it wouldn't last. ;-)

Congrats, guys!
Zachary Drake said…
Who said that!?!? :)
AutismNewsBeat said…
Something I saw at RedState.com ;-)

Thanks for the shout at at Corrente! I've been blogging for over 3 years now, and I'm starting to burn out. I can't friggin' believe how awful the administration is, and I'm running out of things to say. So I can use the encouragement!
Anthony said…
Congrats chum.

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